The World high quality banner

21. THE WORLD image.jpg
the world regular lighting.jpg
world backlight.jpg
world closeup.jpg
the world closup 2.jpg
21. THE WORLD image.jpg
the world regular lighting.jpg
world backlight.jpg
world closeup.jpg
the world closup 2.jpg
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The World high quality banner


“The World”

1m x 1.4m (40in x 55in) $115 AUD / $89 USD / £63 GBP / €73 EURO / $107 CAD (Price conversion is an approximation)

This Design is printed on an all new stretchy, high density polyester material. The print quality is amazing. Colours glow when light is shone behind it (as shown in the third photo).

This design is the last card of the tarot deck I’ve been working on. It symbolises the end of an old cycle and the beginning of a new one. it is the moment you have found balance within yourself and are ready to spread your new self with the rest of the world.

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